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2024 - 2022 


SG:  " June: 150  connections made, including 53 FOs & 11 FoFs."

An Amazon Web Services web-partner B2B SaaS VC (SFO co-funded),

CEO, Quadri Ventures


SG:  "May:  On behalf of the key investor, I connected him to a select few specialist VC investors. One of these has chosen to be a 'champion' for their company, introducing them to other investors and dealflow, also a probable investor ."

Autonomous Robotics

CEO, Unmanned Life


SG:  "March & April :  223 (including 95 SFOs & 11 MFOs) connections made."

'Simon has shortened a two-year cycle into just two months.  I couldn't be happier with the results. 

His extensive global network and the overwhelmingly positive responses to his introductions have made all the difference. 

Combined with a solid structure, he's ensured that no opportunity slips through the cracks. 

Loved working with him and would definitely do it again.'

B2B AI Venture Studio [VC]

CEO, Barsoum Family Office & InVitro Studio [VC].


SG:  "Nov'23 - Jan'24: 106 private-database colleagues, plus 60 newly found and approached contacts connected into investment discussions.  Other contacts included 150 LinkedIn connections."

'Over a relatively brief period of time Simon Gall did an incredible job of connecting RheEnergise to hundreds of potentially interested parties in our innovative energy storage solution. Simon is also very friendly and easy to work with - always a bonus!'

High-density hydropower company.

CFO, RheEnergise Ltd



SG: "Independent Advisor [4th consecutive year]."

Single Family Offices & HNWI Annual Conferences, London

'I highly recommend Simon!'

CEO, G2E Family Office Events


SG: "Independent Advisor [4th consecutive year]."

'Simon is inspirational, a good sensei, great fun to know, wholly trustworthy and a true English gentleman.'

Fujita Family, Japan.

Currently confidential.


SG: "Introduced FC to many PE contacts and 82 other confidential intro's of strategic benefit."

'Simon is one of the best-connected individuals I know. I was impressed by the size and the quality of his network of contacts, his professionalism and organisation in contacting relevant parties, and the level of the response he has achieved (well beyond what I had expected). It’s been a pleasure to work with Simon, and I highly recommend him.'

Fenton Capital advises lenders, SMEs and investors to navigate the UK SME finance market.

MD, Fenton Capital


SG: "261 selected Single Family Office contacted, to profile FCP; 35 SFOs personally introduced to Mike, who wished to publish their investment info' in Family Capital Publishing, in 2022 onwards."

Family Capital Publishing ['FCP'], is an online publication for single family offices, and their advisers. 

Editor, Family Capital Publishing


SG: "153 potential investors and strategic partners, previously unknown to the client, interested and formally connected. Also, inclusion into 4 invitation-only venture LP-GP fund events."

'It has been a pleasure working with Simon Gall, both in a professional and personal sense. Simon has greatly broadened our professional network in a matter of weeks, providing significant value to our company and preserving important resource and time. We cannot thank him enough for his contribution to our growth and are very excited to work with him again at our next stage.' 

Regionally facilitates local and national investments into regional high-growth businesses in the UK.

COO, Regionally


SG: "Independent Advisor [6th consecutive year]." 

'Simon and his impressive rolodex has highly assisted our efforts in doing Family Office conferences in the UK.'

Single Family Offices & HNWI Annual Conference, London

MD, DC Finance


'Eleven Writing commissioned Simon to introduce us into the private investments and venture capital market.

After two months of collaboration, Simon provided a high volume of leads from his database, many relationships of which are now being developed by our team. We’re confident Simon’s work will have provided a [very good] return on investment to Eleven once we’ve explored all of the corridors that he efficiently opened up for us.'
A business and finance industry articles writing service.

CEO, Eleven Media Pte. Ltd, t/a Eleven Writing.


SG: "Third contract.  64 potential LPs previously unknown to client, interested, formally connected."

'SImon is supreme in what he does and can bring a lot of value very quickly - truly outstanding!'

UK hi-tech investment network.

CEO, Stakeholderz


SG: "100+ LP-GP registrants, plus potential Speakers and Sponsors."

International hi-tech LP-GP Summits.

CEO, Wolves Digital.


SG: "62 potential investors, previously unknown to client, interested, formally connected."

'A well-established, successful, international technology and music rights management company.'

CEO, Tirade Ltd  t/a MRC.

Currently confidential.





SG: "117 potential LPs & co-investors previously unknown to client, interested, formally connected, plus acceptance by select SFO publishers and networks, plus inclusion into 12 by-invitation SFO & investor functions".

CEO, Supernode Global Funds


SG: "32 top-tier international SFOs previously unknown to client, interested, formally connected, plus acceptance by select SFO publishers and networks, plus inclusion into and Speaking at 9 SFO & investor functions".

CEO, SFO Alliance


SG: "144 SFOs, plus venture financiers previously unknown to client, interested, formally connected. 

Also, arranged client's inclusion into select private venture-investor networks, plus attendance and speaking on-stage at select SFO and venture-investor events." 

'I and the compliance team are delighted with the quality of all venture financiers introduced to us.'

CEO, Mill Group [Single Family Office]


'Simon is one of those rare individuals in life - he does exactly what he says he will and he does it very well.

It has been a pleasure to work with Simon and we will do so again.

Thank you Simon.'

CEO, The Disruption House


SG: "Profiled to a selection of 709 mainly UK, with some EU & USA based new-venture investors."

CEO, Daedalus Partners & Jealous Investments

Currently confidential.


'I have known Simon for a couple of years and whenever I inform him about one of my activities, he finds someone in his vast network to match the current needs.

Gifted with a great sense of humour and a wonderful personality, Simon makes it easy to work with him.'

Partner, Lindemann Law LLP.

The Managing Director, Schroders Bank Europe plc ['to 2020]


'I had the pleasure, the good fortune, to meet Simon a few years ago in London where he Mentored me and advised me on raising investment and deal flow. 
Though he has moved across the oceans he still continues to mentor me and indeed has become my Personal Advisor. I can reach out to him any time of the day for advice, and his experience and knowledge has always supported my journey. 
He is indeed transparent and trustworthy and his advice and support has not only served me well in my personal journey to be the very best in this game, but has saved me from making mistakes and saved my company. I don’t know what I would do without him. He is a ‘god send’ for me personally to develop and for my business to innovate, scale and grow.

Highly recommended!'

CEO, Gateway2Enterprise ('G2E')


'Simon is one of those people that goes out of his way to make things happen. Be it between individuals, fast-growing companies, investors, or financial institutions, Simon connects the dots where others do not and can not.

I’ve been exceptionally lucky to be on the receiving end of introductions from Simon and they are always well-considered, highly valuable, and perfectly timed. I’ve been introduced to Family Offices, venture capital trusts, private HNWs and extremely promising scale-ups via Simon. 

More than that, Simon has a fantastic ability to cut through the noise, offer sound advice, and speak articulately on complex matters regarding fundraising, match-making, relationship-building, and partnerships.

A true gem!'
Head of Investments, Suss Ventures (UK VC). 


'Simon and I worked closely together on my fundraise project [Capitale Ventures].

He is reliable, dedicated and has developed an efficient system in ensuring the objectives are achieved.

I have seen his exemplary work ethic as a result instilling trust and bringing more success to his clients and contacts.'

MD, Capitale Ventures [VC] Pte


SG: "25 select SFOs previously unknown to client, interested, formally connected."

MD, Mountside Venture Partners LLP


'I have known Simon as a trusted 'venture-finance marketeer', for a number of years. His functions that I attended were filled with the most relevant senior professionals.

In 2021 he has provided hassle-free, efficient and effective services to me and I welcome contracting him again.'

CEO, TIG Corporate Finance [Buy-side M&A]


SG: "38 potential strategic partners and clients interested and introduced."

MD, Leading Edge Only


SG: "163 investors contacted, 57 potential investors formally introduced."

MD, ScribeStar


'I have known Simon for many years. He is super connected among angels, lead-investors, Family Offices, early-stage VCs, and more generally the venture finance sector.
I asked Simon to work with me at Stakeholderz to expand our Investor Network, within one month we had over 100 very relevant, personal introductions. In addition, he ran a very successful function with 80 attendees.
He is supreme in what he does and can bring a lot of value very quickly - truly outstanding.
Thanks Simon. There is more to come....'

CEO, Stakeholderz [VC Investment Network]


'Simon has a great list of connections but is also tenacious and effective, so is able to make his connections work. I would not hesitate to recommend Simon.'

COO, Sandaire Investment Office (Sold to Schroders, Dec'2020)






SG: "253 investors into PE funds [including 83 SFOs], previously unknown to client, formally connected."

Head of Direct-Investor Relations, Titanbay [LP-PE Funds Platform]


SG: "224 venture-investors unknown to client, attending my private function, sponsored wholly by PwC."

Head of Private Tax, PricewaterhouseCoopers

Head of PwC Raise, PricewaterhouseCoopers


‘After benefiting from being connected to Simon Gall, by attending some of the private functions he ran or advised, and being introduced to high-value potential clients and partners since 2018, I contracted him to formally provide his services to Stadden Forbes throughout 2019 (into 2020).
Simon is a unique individual in that he has spent many years forming trusted and relevant business friendships with many of the venture finance industries’ most prominent individuals; including multiple very wealthy individual investors.  Simon proved to be well liked and trusted as a man of genuine integrity, by all those he introduced to Stadden Forbes,
He is professional and focused, always ensuring that there were no irrelevant meetings for all parties involved.
We renewed contracts with Simon for 13 months until he emigrated to Japan, as the Corona lockdowns commenced. In that time we established connections and had multiple meetings with 79 potential affiliates and 552 potential partners and clients, many attendances at by-invitation-only investor events and gained his expertise on our major venture projects. 
I look forward to engaging his effective expertise again. ‘

CEO, Stadden Forbes Family Office & Private Wealth Management


SG: "38 potential clients and multiple investors connected for major client projects, plus inclusion into private venture-investor events."

Senior Partner, Ellanstone Capital


SG:  "Multiple investors introduced, plus inclusion into private venture-investor events"

CEO, Gii Finance Group


'Simon is a source of great knowledge about the Family Office marketplace.
His personal connections are extensive and he has a deep understanding of their decision making and influences - a valued contributor and contact in the sector.
Speaking and working with Simon is always a pleasure, not just for the insight he brings but for his thoughtfulness, preparation and enthusiasm too.'

Head of Research, Savanta


'I’ve known Simon for nearly 20 years and recently engaged him to help me tap into the investment community for a fundraising project that I’m working on.
He provided me with a quality list of potential contacts and introduced me to them by email.
I’ve since had a number of very helpful conversations and am working my way through the rest of Simon’s list.
His network of contacts in the world of investors is outstanding!'

CEO, Funding Focus


SG: "Multiple investors and 18 potential clients introduced, plus inclusion into private venture-investor events"

CEO, Eximius Group


'Simon has been a valuable contributor to our Family Office Magazine and events, in many ways.

He is well connected to many genuine SFOs [Single Family Offices] and is respected, trusted and liked by all.'

CEO, Family Office Magazine &  Events






'Simon has been an incredible mentor, friend and above all a highly regarded person in the Family Office space, among business circles, entrepreneurs across Europe and abroad.

I met Simon for the first time in 2018 at the Family Office conference and he is an embodiment of true professionalism and a person with high integrity, ethics.   Above all, his willingness to help others and help them succeed places him in a unique position.
When I decided to run my first Family Office conference in Mumbai in early 2019, Simon helped me put together a strategic plan and with regular checkups, he always ensured that I was aiming high and was aligning with the strategy of providing value add to the customers.
Simon also helped and encouraged me to enter the London market through the Family Office conference in September 2019.

He took personal attention in inviting genuine Single Family Offices (more than 100+ and free of charge) from his network, connected me to various entrepreneurs and funds for the sponsorship and to various formal and informal networks within London and abroad.
Conference wouldn’t have been humongous success without the guidance, assistance, and mentorship of Simon. He truly played an incredible role going above and beyond in driving the international event to success and I am truly indebted forever for his thought leadership, integrity and kindness in all his actions.
I highly recommend Simon, endorse his abilities and network and wish him good luck in all his future endeavors.'

CEO, Soho Ventures [India]

'Simon is a prolific business developer who has an extensive network of senior venture investment professionals which we wanted to tap into; under contract.
As a result of his efforts we have met a selection of very pertinent and interesting potential clients [SFO to Sovereign]; these have come from direct introductions and involving us in investment communities functions and events, run by himself and professional organisations.'

Business Development Director, Trident Trust Guernsey [International Fund Administrators ]

SG: Promoted the Finlight SFOs into & PE events 2019 to the UK involved SFO & PE community.

‘I can confidently confirm Simon is a very connected, proven introducer, trusted by very many CEOs in the SFO and PE communities.'

CEO, Finlight and Family Office Council Foundation.


‘Ridiculously efficient’ is the phrase that comes to mind when I think about Simon.

He is incredibly well networked and has been very helpful in introducing me to potential partners.
We are working with Simon on a few projects within the Family Office connected space, both fundraising but also providing a highly innovative property prefab technology a potential [£mm] strategic partner, introduced by Simon.
Simon shows true integrity and honesty in everything he does and he keeps meetings very professional but also has a good sense of humour which is a joy.'

Partner, G9 Private Office Europe  &  Director, Blue Titan Capital Limited

‘Simon is well known as an expert at marketing, proficient in tech, finance and media, but more importantly, he is a man of his word. Whatever Simon says, he does. He goes beyond the call of duty and expectation. 

I highly recommend him, as a colleague or as a business partner.’
Board Advisor, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

'What's not to love about Simon.

He has a consistent infectious enthusiasm for making the connection and enabling business between like-minds. 

As a new fund we worked with him to get out to market and meet new people in our domain.

He delivered in spades and we'll continue to work with him as we grow.'
Co-Founder, Superseed Ventures [VC]

'Simon Gall is one of those fantastically well connected people who always seem to know how to reach the right audience.  And if he isn't connected with them yet, he will find a way to be. 

We have enjoyed working with Simon Gall on past projects and look forward to doing so again in the future.'
(Results in contract 1's 160 hours in three consecutive months =  Investment into Superseed Ventures from a Family Office; Associateships arranged; 08 venture-investor events attended solely by Simon; 01 co-arranged a Superseed presentation to many invited LPs & SFOs; arranged 11 free of charge hon guest attendance for Superseed at LP & SFO investor events; arranged Superseed to be free-of-charge Speakers at 4 LP & SFO events; 09 free of charge VIP Guest-attendance investor events; 54 strategic investor meetings, plus scheduled calls with international investors; Well-read promotional articles about Superseed in LinkedIn, Family Office Magazine, GAIM and select online finance-networks).

MD, Superseed Ventures [VC]


'I have known Simon for many years. He has assisted us with marketing our functions to his amazing network which has produced excellent results.
He is highly regarded amongst the financial and investment sectors and always manages to help find the right people/person to hook you up with - if you give him the brief of your problem, he will help resolve it.
He is a pleasure to work with and I look forward to our working relationship in the future.'

Managing Partner, tx2 [Corporate Board & VC Events]

'Simon has been amazingly helpful to our efforts in the UK and introduces us to industry people, potential sponsors and [genuine SFO] families, and whenever we needed help – was fast to react and always kindly and professionally.
His impressive rolodex has highly assisted our efforts in doing Family Office conferences in the UK.'

MD, DC Finance [Single Family Offices investor events]

'Simon has been an excellent business development consultant to Converge over the last few months.
The people and businesses he has introduced me to have been of consistently high quality.
Simon has also been very generous with his time and advice and is always happy to make time for a phone call or a quick catch up when possible.
Highly regarded and respected within the financial and investment sectors in particular, Simon is an excellent resource for anyone looking to build a strong and valuable business network.
It's an absolute pleasure to work with him.'

CEO, Converge Group Ltd &  Engage Magazine & JD Copywriting


SG: "32 investors strategically contacted, interested and formally introduced."

CEO, Newpath Global






'SAP EMEA Private Equity Group benefited greatly from Simon 'opening the doors' for us to talk with the Principals of many Single Family Offices, since early 2017.  He is universally liked and trusted by everyone who knows him.  I highly recommend Simon!'

Head of EMEA Private Equity Group, SAP plc.


3 months Strategic Marketing and Business Development = 900 select venture-investment and technology industry  connections  for Hambro Perks.
[Working solo, with a marketing budget of zero] he placed our Chairman as Key Speaker into 2 major tech-investor conferences,
created and ran a Single-Family-Offices LP investors function; placed our investment managers free of charge into another 8 major industry events; representation in 35 events; 80 investment-Memorandums to professional-investors; initiated strategic partnerships; published promotional-articles in LinkedIn and the Family Office Magazine; brought 8 top-quality prospective portfolio companies; ...and more!

Chairman's Advisor, Hambro Perks [VC]

'I welcome endorsing Simon, to senior professionals, directly referred by him to me.'
Partner & Chief Client Officer, VALUEworks AG [Investment Bank]

'Simon is known as a very effective senior business development and communications professional, by CXOs in the technology and finance industries.
Above all else his career is based upon an unswerving integrity and kindness in all of his actions.'

European Entrepreneur of the Year & Director, Intamac & GM, Lowes Inc [HomeDepot]





'Simon and I have occasionally worked together consulting, mentoring and trouble-shooting companies in Southeast England.

He opts to specialise in business development, but has such a good understanding of business he should be a CEO.

He is very highly regarded by many senior professionals in innovation, high-growth companies and the venture finance industry.

With the right support team, he’ll make any business develop faster, better more connected and financially sound.

He has great humour, is very trustworthy, a gentleman.

I highly recommend him to all.'
Interim CFO & FD to Mid-Tier UK Companies.

'I worked as Simon’s CFO in Integrity Capital and later as an occasional Advisor.

Simon is highly-regarded by the serial-entrepreneurs, business-advisors and authorised-investors communities. This is because he has a great understanding of business and cuts to the crux of the situation with a very gentlemanly and practical approach.

A good and trustworthy person. I always look forward to working with him.'
CFO & FD to International Corporates

'I have known Simon Gall for four years, having met him whilst representing the Funds industry in Jersey in which he was also involved.

Simon has that rare combination of both generating excellent ideas coupled with the ability to implement them successfully.

Simon is exceptionally well connected within the investment sector and has always been ready to share useful contacts and make introductions.

I recommend him highly and endorse both his abilities and network.'
Founder and Chairman, Jersey Hedge Fund Managers Group

'I strongly recommend working with Simon Gall.

He is efficient, well networked, trustworthy, and successful.

A man who gets things done!
In April 2017 as my holiday-cover Interim: results were 38 prospective clients sent provisional contracts.'

MD, Chelsea Corporate Ltd [M&A Buy-side]




2014 -2016

'Simon has such a depth of capability and a nose for opportunity.

He is well worth engaging with, if you are hoping to professionalise and advance in his areas of expertise!

Well done Simon, a comprehensive and impressive resume! Catch up soon!'

CEO, The Security Institute


'I contracted Simon in September [2015] last year.  

He is liked by family office friends as a good marketing man.

He is providing very good connections to co-investments for Rogis [Family Office] projects.

Very much a gentleman and good hearted man.  He is very business wise.

I checked Simon's history [due diligence] and discovered he has often started innovative business projects ahead of their time. 

I like working with him and value his business acumen.'

Director & Family Office Manager

Rogis & Gemstone Family Office

[Unfortunately Igor died in an accident on 04th August 2016, published on MailOnline ]


'Simon has one of the most powerful technical, financial and professional service networks in London coupled with an equally powerful network of family offices.
By track record, he is an entrepreneur who has founded companies and raised money himself.
Any company building a business in the financial, technology and communications sectors would be wise to work with him.
I find Simon dedicated, technical and honest. He is a hard working individual and I very much enjoy working with him [2008 - 2020].
His energy and experience add tremendous value to someone looking to develop new business or navigate a new industry sector or target market.
He thinks out of the box with realistic expectations and this helps in formulating and carrying out a plan.
Simon is a natural networker and excellent host. He possesses a unique detail knowledge of his contacts and delivers on his promises.'

European Marketing Manager, Fasken Martineau (Europe) LLP [international commercial lawyers]

'Completely independently, Simon introduced 520 pre-qualified professional investors-into-PE, to the Managing Partner and Compliance Manager of this convertible-loans PE Fund, plus to other Board position Partners for roadshows and private meetings.
He strategically placed them (completely free of charge) into x2 major Limited Partner events, ran x3 major (100+) Family Office investor events, plus 8 presentation investment functions, plus multiple meetings.
This work plus direct introductions brought them into direct contact with all requested 'name' investors and many more.
All of this within a 3 times extended contract, totalling 9 consecutive months.   Exceptional work.'

Managing Partner, Whitespace Ventures [PE]


'In well documented and managed delivery, Simon, totally on his own initiative and application, without any support, introduced over 900 professional-investors and strategic partners to Jenson, including 128 formal strategic-meetings for the CEO, plus over 400 for other senior partners.

Again on his own, he created and ran 25 private functions plus 3 major events; contra-deal placed the management team into 12 major industry events as speakers / panelists / presenters; brought 84 potential clients, 8 target Chairmen, 20 possible new finance director partners; wrote and published promotional articles and adverts in major finance and wealth industry publications. 
All of this within a 7 times extended contract totalling 19 consecutive months.
Due to this quality and success, I contracted his expertise for Whitespace Ventures.' [see above]

Founding & Managing Partner, Jenson Solutions Ltd & Jenson Funding Partners (Interim Finance Directors) (UK SEIS & EIS Funds)


'Simon has helped me in numerous ways (and jurisdictions) since we first met on London’s funds circuit some years ago now.

This is someone who places integrity at the core of everything he does, evident through every introduction he makes and transaction he is involved in. Couple that with being good company – I could not advocate more strongly.

Jersey individuals in particular (of course), but those in the wider network, do take this as a full endorsement and recommendation to make contact.'
Business Development Director, Jersey Finance [international finance centre]


'I contacted Simon via direct-ecommendation by colleagues.  He's a highly liked, charming, amazingly well connected and very effective introducer. I recommend him to any honest investor.'

Donal Daly, SFO Investor


I was fortunate enough to be introduced to Simon early in 2015 just as we were setting up the new business. Since that point through direct introductions and indirectly through events he has run I have met a number of professionals that have enhanced our proposition, our network and led to various other opportunities.
Simon is one of those people you should meet, his energy and enthusiasm appear limitless, coupled with a good sense of humour and broad knowledge base this all makes him a natural networker and relationship builder.
As I am sure it is apparent I would have no hesitation in recommending Simon to anyone in the financial sector looking to develop and market their business.
I very much look forward to continuing to work with Simon in the future.'

Director, Stadden Forbes Private Wealth Management

'I have had the pleasure of working with Simon on a number of projects [2014 - 2020] and each time he has demonstrated a high level of professionalism and a clear understanding of the financial sector.   Simon is very well connected within multiple segments (Family Offices, Hedge Funds, Wealth Management) and gives projects his full attention to ensure exceptional results.

I wouldn't hesitate in recommending Simon as I am confident he can/will add value to a variety of organisations.'
Business Development Manager, SS&C [The world's largest investment funds services company]

'I have worked with Simon many times [2012 - 2020], primarily on the larger events I have organised over the years.

He is an excellent networker and seems to have a knack of getting the right people to speak to each other to form partnership opportunities.

His wide knowledge of the tech and financial services industries is second to none.

He is often called upon to assist in delivering people, content and topics.
Working with Simon has been an enormous help to me both in my past role as an Events Director and he is now assisting me with broadening my network for my own events.'

Managing Director, Intellect [Board-level tech and finance industry events organisation]
'We have known and worked with Simon for many years.

He has assisted Ascendant in many areas, but especially in Business Development.

His extended network of quality [venture-investors] relationships in the media and technology industries has frequently delivered interesting opportunities for our corporate finance business. So much so in fact, that we proactively formalised our relationship with him so that he is now a key member of our Associate Network.'
MD, Ascendant Corporate Finance

'From the first time I met Simon, I have always been impressed with his understanding of venture finance and business in general.

He has an amazing network of VIP contacts who speak highly of him personally and professionally.

He’s very friendly, helpful, honest and unpretentious, with a great sense of humour.

If you are considering doing business with Simon, I highly recommend you do not hesitate to contact him!'
Founder & MD, The Exit Firm [M&A Sell-side]


'Simon really understands the value of trust in business relationships and that it is all about the long game.  

He is one of the best networked people I know within the financial and investment worlds that he inhabits.  

If you want to access a particular niche of that world and grow your company or fund, no better person to help you than Simon.'
MD, Oldcorn & Oldcorn [Interim Chair]   

'Simon is the sort of person you want in your corner.

Unstinting in his effort, good humour and network, he always delivers excellent value for money whilst maintaining the highest level of customer service and ethical standards.

I heartily recommend Simon and look forward to the chance of working with him again soon.

Service category: fund-raising
Top Qualities: Great Results, Personable, High Integrity.'

Head of Investing, Jet Blue Technology Ventures [PE]


'Highly liked and very well connected, Simon researched his database and quickly connected HEP Capital to 60 prospective investors.

He is definitely worth contracting.'

Head of Investments, HEP Capital


'Mr Simon Gall has been useful as a business development consultant.

He has given good advice and help initiating investment partnerships. 
Knowledgeable in marketing to international technology investors.  

He has my support and recommendation.'
Sir Paul Judge  (now deceased)



'Simon has strong entrepreneurial instincts and would make a great addition to the team promoting or raising funds for any early stage venture.'

Board Director, Which? Ltd  & MP, The Parliamentary Information Technology Committee


'I met Simon Gall after he founded the private market funding platform named Integrity Capital Limited ['IC'].

From my initial contact when an investment banker, then working with him on IC, I experienced first-hand his positive innovative and entrepreneurial abilities.

He is without-fail highly regarded by all of the many specialist advisors and fund managers he knows whom we quickly and easily met for strategic partnerships; all of them mentioning his obvious business acumen, honesty and likeability.

Wherever he provides his services I expect he'll continue to be very well regarded and promoted.

I look forward to working with Simon again.'
Director, Integrity Capital [regulated-investors investment market]

'When CEO of Imprima Group, we decided to invest £500K and Imprima's full services into developing Simon's Integrity Capital professional investors platform.

Unfortunately, Imprima's new owners cancelled this work alongside all other new developments.

After my sabbatical, I then was delighted to become Non-Executive Chairman of Integrity Capital Limited [‘IC’].  It looked to become the first de-facto online resource intelligently matching registered, established, trading companies with fully authorised investors, using a simple but structured due diligence platform.

Simon is an impressive independent and original thinker, fun to work with, with a high EQ.'
CEO, Imprima Group (then Non-Executive Chairman, Integrity Capital)

'Simon has a diverse, well-vetted network and he is adept at putting the right people in touch for mutual success.

He is extremely approachable, personable and highly professional.

When I relocated my business to Dublin in 2009 he opened doors for me in both the UK and Ireland, and I am working with him once again while I’m back in NYC.'
MD, Beth Lauren Film Production (& companies) 



'Through recommendations the Connect Midlands organisation engaged the expertise of Simon Gall as our London Investor Relations Consultant, throughout 2009/10/11/(12).

He is a highly networked entrepreneur in the Southeast (UK) who helped us make successful [did 99% of the independent work] 3 start-up and 2 mid-tier London technology-investment events, consulted over 30 client companies and brought 482 sophisticated and regulated investors and 6 presenting company clients from his private network onto our books, all on a one day per week contract.

I thoroughly recommend Simon as a very effective and likeable professional.'
MD, Connect Midlands organisation
'Having worked closely with Simon on a number of research projects during the early days at Integrity Capital Ltd, I admired Simon for his industry expertise, tenacity and his professional approach to work.

To me he was personable, inspiring and a great mentor.

He encouraged me to think outside the box, opened up my eyes to opportunities and made me believe that everything is possible.

Without him, I would never be close to where I am now and I look forward to an opportunity to work with him again in the future.'
Investment Analyst, Capital Partners Group {PE]




(c) 2025: Simon Gall   

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