Accredited journalist,1991. Specialised in B2B media, tech and venture-finance. Active within Print Media; Broadcast Media; Social Media; Research; Interviews; Features; Advertising; Copyrighting; Promotions; Articles, B2B PR & Communications; Marketing material; multiple broadcasts and non-media printed material.
I have also produced, presented, board-advised B2B media for tech and media companies.
Recent involvements include Family Office Magazine articles; Sanlam Family Office Industry Report interview; LinkedIn articles.
Also, many of the UK tech and venture finance associations, organisations, social networks, events and social media platforms awarded me honorary free membership.
Tech & Investment-Finance 'conditional-attendance' events I have been involved with, started 30 years ago.
The below lists show my professional involvements from 2017 - 2022, as
Host; Independent Advisor; Speaker;
Honorary Guest; Guest; Delegate.
​2025 - 2023 Now not active in Hosting, formally-Advising, Speaking at, Hon-Guest, attending events.
However, I continue to introduce, refer, recommend, place clients into pertinent events and media.
​Advisor Global Corporate Venturing Congress, Tokyo
​​Speaker Venture Capital World Summit, Tokyo
Advisor London Family Office & High Net Worth Conference, London 19th October.
Advisor G2E Family Office Events, London
21st July [fully booked] summer-family-officeuhnwi-investor-conference
31st March [fully booked] spring-climate-change-family-office-conference
Advisor Alpha Wolves, Warsaw: 07th & 08th April.
An exclusive 2-day hybrid [online and on-site] forum connecting Venture LPs with
GP fund managers & high-growth scale-ups.
Advisor [tbc] Global Corporate Venturing Symposium, Tokyo (deferred until 2022)
Speaker Venture Capital World Summit, Tokyo 22 September (deferred until 2022)
Advisor G2E Family Offices & UHNWI investors Summit, London 22 July Karen Gould G2E
HOST 'Simon Gall's Goodbye for now UK' function, PwC sponsored [221 guests]
Hon Guest Chairman's Network - London branch coffee morning
Advisor Stakeholderz Lead Investors Network
Advisor & Speaker PwC Family Office Tech & Innovation Investment Conference 2021
Hon Guest Thompson Taraz Fund Administrator Anniversary drinks
Hon Guest EvolutionCBS M&A Masterclass
Guest Savills Ski-Properties Investment Seminar
Hon Guest Stakeholderz Tech Investors Network
Hon Guest FinTech Circle Investors Network
Advisor PwC's Family Offices into Tech Start-ups event, London Bridge
Hon Guest VCT Showcase for IFAs and Wealth Managers, London Stock Exchange
Hon Guest Launch of Waterstons' [Tech M&A firm] London office
Hon Guest Flexjet - clients and partners drinks function
Advisor Finlight - Family Office Investors Platform Seminar
Hon Guest Winmark CIO Network Technology in M&A Seminar
Hon Guest Stakeholderz Investors Dinner
Advisor & Speaker Family Offices and LP Funding into GPs (VC) PwC Conference [180 guests]
Hon Guest ETC Tax Advisors annual drinks
Hon Guest London Stock Exchange, Fight for Fairer Funding for Women Investors
Hon Guest Animus investors' drinks evening
Delegate IP Bootcamp at Goodwin LLP
Advisor Single Family Offices Next Gen Conference [144 guests]
Hon Guest London Tech Leaders Reception
Advisor M&A Seminar in Acuity Law, with Stadden Forbes [62 guests]
Hon Guest Stakeholderz Angel Investors network drinks evening
Hon Guest AI Investing
Guest The Pluralists Opportunities Club
Guest Hornblower M&A Seminar, London
Guest East Meets West Club, London
Hon Guest Ministry of Innovation - Global Chamber networking event, London
Hon Guest FinTech Connect Investor Network
Advisor UK Investor City Forum [84 delegates]
Hon Guest 360-One-Family, Single Family Offices Conference London
Guest Tech Invest London
Advisor The Shoreditch Partnership Investors Function
Hon Guest WM Nexus Single Family Offices Luncheon
Guest Walkers European Offices' Summer Party
Guest CGRC central London venture investors club
Advisor Cross Border Planning for the private client, Europe day 2
Advisor Cross Border Planning for the private client, Europe day 1
Advisor Emerging Economies Single Family Offices Summit, London
HOST Simon Gall's Single Family Offices Investors drinks, sponsored by TridentTrust [112 guests]
Guest The Pluralists Club
Hon Guest AIM showcase for financial advisors and wealth managers
Hon Guest Stadden Forbes and Aston Currency - Summer Drinks evening
Guest WCEC at the London Stock Exchange
Hon Guest Gateway2Investment & Soriano SFO UK Investment Summit
Advisor GAIM Knect365 Conf: 11am Key Speaker = Superseed Ventures
Advisor GAIM Knect365 Conf: 09am Key Speaker = Stadden Forbes
Hon Guest FamilyOfficeMag at MENA-Britain Trade Expo, QEII Centre, London
Guest MMC Ventures AI Masterclass
Guest CIS Professional Investors Network
Hon Guest TheCityUK Annual Conference, London
Hon Guest World China Entrepreneur Convention LONDON - soft launch - function
Guest SM&B Investors into Tech, London
Guest Hedge Fund Association (UK) Offshore to UK onshore
Hon Guest UK & Central Europe, 3rd Investment Forum, London
Advisor DC-Finance's Family Offices & HNWI Conference, London 2019
Guest Satellite Finance Network Annual Conference 2019
Hon Guest CogX: AI & Emerging Technologies Conference, London
Guest SM&B - Raising Capital or Debt, seminar, London
HOST Converge & Stadden Forbes @ K&L Gates: Selling Your Business [82 guests]
Hon Guest SheEO London Super-Activator Onboarding Session
Hon Guest Trident Trust at Guernsey Funds Forum, London
HOST Superseed 'AI Fund' Investor Seminar [124 guests]
Guest East Meets West Club with IP Global
Hon Guest Hedge Fund Emerging and Start-up Manager Forum
Advisor Family Office Club Dealflow Summit London [100+ guests]
Hon Guest Guernsey Finance Family Offices London function
Guest LB Business Network breakfast
Advisor Family Offices 'Dealflow Investor Summit', Mumbai, India [100+ guests]
Hon Guest FineWine Business Network
Delegate The UK Investor Show
Hon Guest EBRD & BCCoC Hi-Tech Investor Seminar
Hon Guest London Stock Exchange Group's Annual Investment Conference
Hon Guest FamilyOfficeMag at India-Britain Trade Expo, QEII Centre, London
HOST Simon Gall investor-community private drinks [102 select guests]
Hon Guest Family Office Council
Hon Guest Fintech Circle Investor Network
Advisor SuperSeed VC investors function [100+ guests]
Hon Guest Blackthorne Focus: Corporate Investors drinks
Hon Guest FORA: Securing Debt - Family Office risks
Hon Guest Mishcon de Reya's Chinese New Year Party
Hon Guest FORA: How the Media covers Real Estate and the Super Rich
Hon Guest UK investors at the Croatian Embassy
Hon Guest Guernsey Seminar Series: Smart Contracts & Electronic Agents
Hon Guest Milltrust: Science & Technology Day
Hon Guest International Professionals Association - London
Hon Guest Crypto and Blockchain Xmas Rally - investors
Hon Guest Fintech Circle - China UK investors
Hon Guest Holland Mountain's festive drinks
Delegate FinTech Connect, London
Hon Guest Enterprise Tax Consultants
Hon Guest TLG Capital - investors evening dinner
HOST SIMON GALL investor-community private drinks [181 guests]
Guest BDO: Ready, Steady, Grow
Hon Guest The National Family Business Conference
Guest NOAH [Tech Investors & Entrepreneurs] drinks function
Guest SMAB Tech Angel Investors Group
Delegate Insurance [Financiers] Forum, London
Hon Guest Wealth-X Panel Discussion and Networking - London
Advisor Investors into Contemporary Art: 21st Century Women [64 guests]
HOST DC-Finance - SFO & UHNWI drinks (in Hambro Perks) [88 guests]
Hon Guest DC-Finance - Family Offices investing into ICO & Blockchain
Advisor DC-Finance - Investors Dinner - Medical Technology
Guest GP Bullhound - Titans of Tech Roundtable
Guest Spear's Wealth Insight Forum
Delegate Technology For Marketing event
Hon Guest Sovereign Group & IPAssoc - Luncheon
Advisor Tech Investors London 2018 (with Rupert Hambro) [200 guests]
Hon Guest Launch Party: Converge
Guest East Meets West Business Forum
Advisor Dubai Business Forum London
Advisor Sovereign Group at the Institute of Directors
Hon Guest City-Watch & Pelican - End of Summer, Investor Party
Hon Guest WeWork London Clients Businesses & Investor Networking
HOST Simon Gall's Investor-community drinks evening [88 guests]
Advisor The Family Office Magazine's Dealflow Summit 2018 [240 guests]
Hon Guest TLG Capital - Annual Drinks
Hon Guest SBJBC's UK Summer Reception
Hon Guest Runway East - Tech Investors
HOST Hambro Perks, Introduction lunch for EIS Investors [24 guests]
Hon Guest Private Client Dining (PCD Ltd) Private Wealth Conference
Guest Informed Funding: Planning An Exit Strategy, Lunch Seminar
HOST Simon Gall's HNWI / SFO / PB / PWM Investor Network function [142 guests]
Hon Guest Family Office Council, Investment Breakfast
Hon Guest WealthTECH Book Launch
Hon Guest Fintech Circle Angel Network
Advisor Family Offices Annual Conference - London (with Rupert Hambro)
Hon Guest London Technology Investors Club - Launch
Guest City AM Private Wealth Investing Seminar
Guest Howard Kennedy LLP investors function
Advisor Hambro Perks Investors lunch
Delegate Great British Private Investor Summit
Hon Guest Great British Private Investor Summit pre-event, drinks evening
Advisor tx2events, M&A investment professionals breakfast
Advisor DC-Finance, Family Offices property investors dinner
Hon Guest HollandMountain Fund Managers drinks
Guest Guernsey Funds Forum
Guest London [tech VC & PE] Investors drinks evening
Advisor London Tech Investors Network - Launch
Guest Capital Enterprise networking - investor drinks
Guest Orrick LLP Results & Briefing International Seminar
Advisor Jersey Finance Annual Private Wealth Conference
Advisor Jersey Finance Annual London Funds Conference
Guest London Stock Exchange Group Annual Investment Fund Conference
Hon Guest Heropreneurs
Guest Delio Connect Launch
Guest Innovative Finance ISA - London Stock Exchange
Hon Guest AI Seed Fund Launch
Advisor Hambro Perks - Technology Investors function
Guest HedgeBrunch - xmas drinks
Guest HollandMountain - xmas drinks
Guest InglisJane - xmas function
Advisor Leadership Forum [for leading CXOs]
Advisor DC-Finance - SFO, VC & PE lunch
Hon Guest Mark Jantzen Senior Business Consultants
HOST SIMON GALL investor-community private drinks [126 guests]
Hon Guest National Family Business Conference
Guest Swedish Beers [for SME Tech Investors]
HOST 'An audience with Simon Gall' investors drinks function [151 guests]
Hon Guest Simon Muirhead Solicitors: GDPR seminar
Hon Guest Brown Rudnick LLP - Tech & Innovation Investors drinks
HOST 'An audience with Simon Gall' family-offices drinks function [82 guests]
Hon Guest TFL Capital, annual drinks function
Delegate Farm Business Innovation / Greentech show
Guest The Growth Investor Awards
Hon Guest KTZ Communications seminar (with Blackthorne Focus)
Delegate Canadian and Australian - UK Chambers of Commerce
Hon Guest TechUK Connected and Autonomous Vehicles seminar
Delegate ICAEW: Regulating Financial Services
Hon Guest Holland Mountain drinks evening
Delegate CENEX 2017
Hon Guest Joint Venture Property Club
Hon Guest Offline [Fortus Capital Partners] dinner
Hon Guest TheUNITLondon - modern art for SFOs
Hon Guest The Chairman's Network
Advisor Stadden Forbes and Blackrock
HOST International Single Family Offices investors' function [125 guests]
Guest Wedlake Bell 'Family Business Seminar'
Guest Orrick LLP function on UK venture investing and acquisitions
Hon Guest A UK-Ambassadorial function in London
Advisor The London Family Office[s] & Wealth Management Conference
Key Speaker The Founders' Institute in Google: Raising Finance seminar [182 delegates]
Guest Holland Mountain drinks evening
Hon Guest SMB Corporate Solicitors' Tech Exits Roundtable
Guest Jersey Finance's Private Wealth Management Conference London
Advisor Stadden Forbes HNWI & Family Offices Investing Seminar
HOST Simon Gall private drinks function for Single Family Offices [102 guests]
Hon Guest SEI Fundraising and Investor Relations Forum
Hon Guest London Stock Exchange Group, Investment Funds Conference
Hon Guest Jersey Finance, Annual Funds Conference
Hon Guest Iron Box Capital Film Financiers private function
Mentor Chicago Booth London Exec' MBA [GNVC] (4th ranked Exec MBA in the world)
Judge Chicago Booth London Exec' MBA [GNVC] (4th ranked Exec MBA in the world)
Hon Guest Guernsey Funds Masterclass, London
Delegate Master Investor Show, London
Hon Guest The Chairman's Network: Coffee Meeting